Fennel is a perennial herbaceous and it grows well in zones 6 - 9> It grows 4 to 5 feet tall.
Fennel has yellow umbels that blooms from late July until frost.
Fennel is native to the Mediterranean area, and it prefers disturbed soil.
Fennel is easy grown from seed that has been stratified for at least two weeks, up to several months. Fennel can be sow directly into the garden anytime during the growing season. It will sprout when the weather stays warm constantly. Fennel can be planted indoors from transplanting outside in late spring. Fennel seeds sprout in two weeks, and have a 70 percent germination rate. The herb grows in clumps. The plants needs to be space 12 to 15 inches apart. Fennel needs low to moderate amounts of water.
Fennel likes to have full sun. It prefers well worked and drained soil with 4 to 5 percent organic matter, but it will grow in nearly all types of soil.
Fennel attracts butterflies, and hummingbirds. It likes to be planted with nasturtiums, sunflowers, and calendules.
Fennel large, deep roots are harvest in spring or fall using needle -nose spade or garden fork. The leaves can be handpick anytime during the growing season. The seeds can be harvest with snips or scissors either in the green umbel stage or when they are fully ripened, depended on the medicinal recommendations. The green umbels may be prepared whole. The ripened seeds and rub off of the umbel stems.
If fennel are used in dishes, it will give a licorice like flavor to any dish that it is added to. The leaves are great in pasta salads. Fennel seed is a common ingredients in Italian sausage. Both leaves and seeds are delicious in home-baked breads. The bulb fennel is used in soups and pasta dishes.
The medicinal benefits of fennel are it promotes milk production in nursing mothers. It also supports digestion, respiratory tracts, and throat health. It is very good for children.
The parts of the fennel that are used are the seeds, leaves, and roots. All of the different parts can be used fresh or dried.
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