Friday, November 1, 2013

What Is Chamomile ?

Chamimile is a herb. The German chamomile is an annual. The Roman chamomile  is a perennial. Chamomile grows in - 9. The German chamomile grows up to 24" high. The Roman chamomile grows from 8 to 10 inches tall.

Chamomiles blooms white, daisylike flowers. This herb blooms from June through frost.

Both kinds of chamomile are considered garden dwellers. They like to have full sun and partial shade. Both kinds of chamomile grows best in well-drained soil.

German chamomile is easy to grow from seed. It can be direct-sown in a garden or field. I have to keep the tiny seeds moist so it can germinate and this is very difficult, so a easier way would be starting your plants inside and then transplant them. After all the frost danger  has passed where you live, they still need to have 3 to 4 weeks before transplanting your plants. outdoors. When you are transplanting your  plants you will need to space them 10 inches apart. The seeds germinate in about two weeks at the rate of 50 70 percent. German chamomile grows as one plant and you will need to water them light to moderate. I can grow Roman chamomile from seeds and it is easy. Their germination rate is  lower than the German chamomile. Roman chamomile germination rate is 40 to 60 percent. Instead propagate by divisions. The Roman chamomile is propagate by divisions. Roman chamomile is spread by  rhizomats roots. The Roman  chamomile plants has to be spaced eight inches apart, so they will have enough room to fill in as a ground cover. Roman chamomile needs a light to moderate amounts of water.


When both kinds of the chamomile are in the blooming season, this is when you need to do the harvesting. The parts of the chamomile  that are used in harvesting are the flowers and the flowering tops. They can be used fresh or dried. If you are only going to used flowers, you need to harvest them by hand or with the help of a  chamomile rake. A chamomile rake is a special tool that is designed to harvest the chamomile.

Chamomile has many medicinal benefits. It is a good sedative and nerve herb. Chamomile has soothing, calming, and anti- inflammatory actions which will help many people It is a skin aid, children's herb, digestive herb and a sleep aid

Chamomile is used a lot in the herb industry. It is used in many different way, so this makes this herb a popular herb to have around.

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