Thursday, November 21, 2013

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a tender perennial herbaceous that grows in zones ten to eleven. It grows to twelve to twenty-four inches tall.

Turmeric is used for a powerful due that for paper and fabrics, and it can be used medicinal. It is a delicious spice that is often used in curries.

Turmeric likes to grow in a prefers a shady, moist habitat., . It  is a tropical plant that likes to grow in tropical forests.

This herb is propagated by root divisions. I divide a fresh root of turmeric into pieces, and one of the pieces has an eye because this is where to root will sprout. Plant each piece side by side and I will plant the root pieces about two inches. I will need to keep the pot in a warm place and keep the soil evenly moist. Turmeric takes a long time to sprout. The plants needs to be spaced between fifteen to twenty-four inches apart. If I decide to grow turmeric in a container, I have to plant the turmeric in a pot that is fifteen to twenty-four inches in diameter and about eight inches deep.  I water the soil to keep it moist, but not real soggy.

The soil needs to be rich in organic matter and the soil needs to be sandy. When I am growing turmeric in a container, I will provide a loose potting soil mix.

Turmeric is a herb, that does good in a herb that does good in a container. They will  also grow good on shady patio or under trees. Turmeric grows real good in food garden, and I raise it indoors also.

Turmeric needs to be harvested in midwinter. I will need to be cut back the leaves and unearth the roots, taking all the soil away. I will need to use a needle-nose spade or garden fork to take the roots out. I will  harvest what I want and then I will replant the rest.

The root will yield a bright yellow-orange dye that is used to tint fabrics and paper.

So turmeric is a very good herb to have around because of the great benefits.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What Is Yellow Wild Indigo?

It is a perennial member of the pea family. Yellow wild indigo is a lovely bush too. This plants have a very showy, bright yellow, lupine-flowers and they have striking, marble-shaped seed pots. When the yellow wild indigo is established they should not be disturbed, because they have an extensive root system. The yellow wild indigo is drought tolerant. Baptise is a good choice for the Southerns gardeners like me, because it will thrive in the hot South.

This plant is a native herbaceous perennial and it grows in zones 5 to 8. There are golden yellow in color and they grow to two to three feet tall. They like to be planted where they are in full sun to part shade. They bloom from April to June. Some of the cultivator are 'Screamin Yellow'. ' Homestead Purple', pink evening primrose, blue false indigo, and lance leaf coreopsis.

This yellow wild indigo can be propagate by cuttings, seed, or root division. Seeds can be difficult to start. The seeds need to be harvest in the fall, and this is when the pods are dry. The seeds are now remove and soak them in hot water overnight. This plant needs to always be planted in good starter soil and keep it moist.. The soil needs to be fair, be dry to medium, and it needs to be well-drained. It also will tolerates poor soils. As far as watering, they will tolerates dry soil and drought.

This plant is very attractive to anybody gardens. The green seedpods are attractive and this will add another dimension. to any body's garden. The pods will turn black in the late part of summer or early fall when the seeds are ripe.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What Is Breadseed Poppy?

Bread seed poppy is an herb and it can be grown in zones of nine and ten. They grow up to three feet tall.

The flowers  of the bread seed poppies are delicate and beautiful and they yield copious amounts of seed for baking and other culinary delights.

The common varieties of bread seed poppies are black, Peshawar White, 'Zahir,' and 'Hungarian Blue'. Here are some other names that they go by white poppy, opium poppy, and maw seed.

Bloom traits of the bread seed poppy are large but delicate blossoms that comes in colors of white to pinks, lavenders, purples, deep violet, and shades of red. The flowering occurs through early to midsummer occasionally they will flower all the way to the end of the summer.

They prefer an open, sunny, area and they also need well-drained  soil, but they will adapt to other conditions so it is not too extremely different.

Bread seed poppy's propagation is done by sowing seeds in mid-spring and the germination has a eighty to ninety percent. The seeds sprout in about two weeks. The seeds can be sown directly in the garden or indoors and then transplant them in late spring. They need to be space ten to twelve inches apart and they need moderate water. These poppies need to be sheltered from the strong winds, which the winds can blow the petals away.

Bread seed poppy likes full sun to partial shade and in well-drained soils that are high in organic matter.

They are ready to harvest when the seed capsules are fully dry and they are just beginning to open. You will need to use scissors or snips to cut. I will put my harvested capsules in a wide bowl and allowed them to dry out completely for a few days, then I will pour the seeds into a container that I have for storage.

The seedpods that are dried are real pretty used in dried herb and different floral  arrangements. They can be used in wreaths and swags for textural interest.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What Are Garlic Chives ?

Garlic chives are a perennial herbaceous and they are stronger in flavor than just regular chives. If a person likes to have a mild garlic flavor, this herb is the one you will want to get, because with this one, nobody will get a full-fledged garlic taste. Garlic chives is also called Chinese chives.

Garlic chives will grow in zones of four to nine. This herb will grow from twelve to fifteen inches tall.

Garlic chives has white star- shaped lightly fragrant flowers in clusters. They will flowered anytime from late spring through early fall.

Garlic chives likes to grow in open meadow areas in temperature or subtropical climates.

As far as propagation of the garlic chives, the seeds can  be sown in spring or early summer, either directly into the garden space or indoors and they will be transplanted later on. It takes the seeds to germinate in about two weeks, and the germination is high, and it is eighty to ninety percent. Garlic chives grows in clumps and they need to be spaced at least twelve inches apart and they require moderate water. They will spread if the area where they are planted are moist, if not moist, they seem to stay where they are planted.


Garlic chives likes full sun to partial shade and they like to have well-drained soil.

Garlic chives are a great herb to grow on your windowsill or in a patio container. They are nice to have planted in the food gardens. Some other herbs that they like to be grown with sage, dill, and parsley.

To harvest this herb, it has to be cut with scissors or snips and the green stems or the unopened buds is what is harvest. The opened flower clusters may be harvested.

The garlic chives tastes stronger than chives,  but not as strong as garlic is. The fresh stems and unopened flower buds can be used in soups, salads, stir fries, and vegetable dishes. Garlic chives can be used either fresh or frozen.

The white starry flowers are very pretty in green salads, and in a tomato, cucumber salad, giving each salad a light garlic flavor. I used the flowers in herb butter and spread it on my corn on the cob which will give anybody a mid-summer vegetable treat.

Monday, November 11, 2013

What Is Goldenrod?

Goldenrod is a herb. The flowers and young shoots of this herb are used to create beautiful yellow dyes for cotton and wool. It is a late-summer flower that tells the garden's transition to the next season.

Goldenrod is a perennial herbaceous and it grows between two to four feet tall. Goldenrod  grows in zones 4 through 9 areas.

Bloom traits of an goldenrod are large fans of golden yellow flowers that blooms in the later months of summer.

Goldenrod's likes and dislikes are that they are found in a variety of habitats, such as they grow on prairies as well as mountain. It can be found near lakes and streams. Goldenrod I have notice that they prefer open spaces. I also see them growing along the roadsides as I drive along the roadways especially where I live which is out in the country.

As far as propagation is concern for goldenrod, if the seeds are stratify in moist peat moss or sand and put into the refrigerator for seven to ten days. This method will give you reliable germination, ninety percent or better. They can be sow indoors and then transplant outside in mid- to late springs, or the seeds can be sown directly into the garden in early spring. Goldenrod grows in clumps and they need to be spaced twelve inches apart. Goldenrod needs to be water lightly or moderately.

Goldenrod loves to be in full sun  and they do not have to have any special soil needs. They like to grow in a community that has potentilla, red clover, and catnip growing there already.


The aerial parts of the goldenrod, while they are in flower, are harvested in late summer by using scissors or snips. The parts of the goldenrod that you used are the aerial parts of the flowers and they can be used either fresh or dried. 

The medicinal benefits of the goldenrod is used mostly for conditions of the urinary and respiratory tracts The Native Americans have used this plant for coughs, fever, and toothache.

The home pharmacy uses of the goldenrod are foot soak, infusion, traditional tincture, syrup, honey, and bath herb.

The goldenrod is a very pretty flowery herb plant that has many different uses.

How To Make A Child's Herb Garden

A child's herb garden is a great way for children to learn all about gardening and it gives the children some responsibility. It also gives children an appreciation for what all of the herbs gives, such as, in cooking, smelling, or it will stimulate the child's imagination.

.I think every child's herb garden needs to be a small area or maybe just have a few containers for their garden. Because this would give your child a sense of ownership and it will give a child some responsibility  in learning, in the know-how on how to garden especially with herbs.

I think that this child's herb garden could have some other items in there, other than the herbs,such as other activities that the children would enjoyed to do while they are out there. working in their herb garden. Some of the different items that can be good to go in your child's garden, could be a reading bench, a bamboo screen with peepholes, that a child can watch birds feed at a bird feeder while   out in their herb garden. My daughter definitely need a reading bench included in her herb garden, because she loves to read, and this way when she wants to take a break, she would go sit on her reading  bench and read. She would be  getting herself some water to drink. Another place for a child's herb garden is by the children swing set.

I thinks herbs for this garden should have different shapes and colors, with great smells and delicious tastes. There are a number of herbs particularly attractive to children, because of their great smells and great tastes and this is a wonderful way to teach them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Chamomile flowers, they will learn that a tea that is made from the chamomile flowers that was picked from their  garden will help them to sleep better at night. Lemon balm tastes good, and kids will learn that lemon balm is something that can be added to a fruit salad. Woolly lamb's ears are real good choice to have to put on a skinned knee or elbow to make it "feel better".

What would make the garden fun is to mix things up with fun vegetables and fruits like baby carrots, strawberries, and cherry tomatoes. The garden also would have some flowers growing in the garden, such as pansies, dianthus, and sunflowers.

I think the most important aspect of this herb garden is that the  children get to choose how they want to plant the garden or where to arrange the area.

Some of the herbs that would go well in a child's herb garden are basil, hollyhock, lavender, violet, anise hyssop, pole beans, roman chamomile, and so much more.

To me, teaching a child about gardening, raising herbs, is a great way for a child to be able to do this, later on in life. I think if anybody knows how to gardening, this will save every body's money when they go to the grocery stores.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How To Grow Chicory?

Chicory can be sow from first of spring through the last of fall.It takes fourteen to sixteen weeks to harvest. The best place to grow chicory is either in beds and containers. In a nine feet long bed eight to twelve plants can be planted, and in a container, three plants can be planted in each one. The chicory are highly ornamental and they have robust leaves and they are an asset to any plot. Chicory  can be eaten raw or it can be cooked, which  ever way you would want it. If you eat it raw, chicory has a slightly bitter, but pleasant taste., which can be moderated by blanching the chicory. All the different varieties of chicory.  are easy to grow and they are suitable for containers.

Getting Started

Three different types of chicory.

Witloof or Belgian-they have a deep root and white heads.

Radicchio forms a heart, which is like lettuce.

Sugarloaf has a loose head of green leaves.

If the  seeds are sown in trays, the seedlings   need to be taken out as soon as they are large enough to handle. When I  am watering  the seeds I will need to water them very gently so the seeds will not be moved around. The next step is to pick out the seedlings as  soon as they are large enough, plant them in small pots or modules.

Sowing seeds

I like to start  sowing my seeds early and I do this by sowing them under cover. During it this way, it would be useful for fall and winter sowing for the cut-and-come-back leaves or it can be use for spring-maturing crops. Fill the trays with compost, water it real good and then let it drain real good. Make each hole 1/2 inch deep or every two inch and then sow one seed into each hole. Cover with a little compost to each seed and water each  area. lightly. Chicory's germination rates are very high.

Sow and plant out

Getting the soil ready by digging the soil and removing all the weeds. I can  now sow directly into the soil, by making drills 1/2 inch deep, water it well, and then sow the seeds thinly along the drills. After you  have sow the seeds, they need to be cover with soil and water in. By me raising my seedling  under cover, I can plant them outside as soon as their roots fill the hole or each cell. They need to be planted at ten to sixteen inches apart, and water them well.

Routine care

The chicory plants  need to be watered well, and they need to be weed regularly. If your soil is sandy or alkaline, or if you have them in pots, the plants may benefit from a dose of general purpose liquid fertilizer added every two weeks.


The leaves can be harvest  as soon as, the plants are a real good size. I always want to have a second harvest, I will need to leave the stump in the ground, cut a cross in the top of the plant, and remove all of the leaves that are remaining. After a few weeks, new smaller shoots will appear, and I will need to cover with a pot to blanch them.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What Is Yarrow?

Yarrow is a herb who is a perennial. Yarrow leaves has a lacy texture which can make a charming look to a garden. Some of the yarrow has yellow flowers, now these flowers should never be used medicinally.

Yarrow has white flowers appear in mid-late summer. Yarrow goes in open and grassy areas such as prairies and mountain meadows. They like to have disturbed soil areas. They grow in temperature  climates.

I will need to stratify seeds for a month before sowing. I will sow my seeds indoors. Then I can  transplant  them outdoors in my garden in mid to late spring. The yarrow seeds can be sow outdoors in early spring. As far as, germination of yarrow it is around 70 percent, and they usually start sprouting that occurs in 7 to 14 days. Another way to propagate yarrow is by root divisions. The root division is done either in spring or fall for ideal results. Yarrow will spread, so they need to be  spread 12 inches apart. The plants need low to moderate amounts of water. Yarrow needs full sun or partial shade and they prefers well-drained soil.

There are certain parts of the yarrow that you harvest. You will only harvest the aerial parts and you only do this in mid- to- late summer. The best time to do this is when the plant is in full flower. Scissors or snips are the tools that are used to harvest yarrow.

Always makes sure to discuss with  your buyers whether the buyer wants to just flowers or the flowering aerial parts because the flowers are more labor-intensive to harvest and this commands a higher price.

Yarrow has many medicinal benefits. It is used for winter illness, respiratory conditions,women's and children's health concerns and the throat and the skin. It is also used for gastrointestinal health. It is also considered beneficial for muscle aches and for circulation.


Native America people has a nickname for yarrow. It is called chipmunk tail because the leaf looks like a chipmunk tail.

What Is Stevia?

Stevia is a herb that has many different benefits. The leaves and flowers of the herb stevia has a very sweet flavor which makes it a very excellent sweetener that can be used in foods, beverages, and medicines. It is also a good medicinal herb that supports digestion.

Stevia is an annual herbaceous and it grows between 12 to 15 inches high.

The flowers on stevia are delicate and white, and stevia blooms on and off throughout the growing season.

Stevia prefers an environment that is hot and humid. Stevia are native of Brazil and Paraguay.

I will want to take cuttings from stevia, I should have fairy good success in doing this. After I have got my cuttings I can use a liquid rooting hormone with water and I have to have a nighttime temperature of 70 degree and daytime temperature  need to be in the 90 degree range so to encourage rooting. Seed propagation is also possible. The seeds has to be kept moist and warm, and you should have about 30 percent germination over a 2 to 3 week period.  After the weather is fully settled and very warm I will be able to move my plants outside. I always move my stevia plant back inside before the first frost comes to the area that I  or you live in. If you  live in a tropical regions, stevia can be grown outdoors all year round. Stevia is a clumping plant and it should be spaced 10 to 12 inches apart. To get the best results from your stevia plants, I will need to provide moderate to heavy amounts of water.

Stevia grows best in a rich humus soil. They also likes full sun, particle shade, and shade.

The aerial parts are harvested with either snips or scissors and this can be done at any time during the growing season. The aerial parts can be used fresh or dried.


This herb is used as a sweetener that can be used in foods, beverages, and it supports healthy digestive tract function.

What Is Parsley?

Parsley is a herb that has a plant cycle of biennial and parsley grows in zones 5 to 8. Parsley grows to a height of 12 to 20 inches. Parsley will have white flower umbels blooms when the parsley is two years old.

Different kinds of plants like a certain type of soil, and climate and the herb, parsley, is no different. Parsley is a Mediterranean plant by nature, so this plant will grow better in a drier, hot climate.

Parsley takes a long time to germinate, up to four weeks. But if you or I stralify and soak the seeds, usually the germination process is shorter. Stratify the seeds for at least one week. The day before you plan to sow the seeds, you need to soak them in water for 12 to 24 hours. Germination rate is not 100 % but around 70 %.  Always sow your seeds inside and then transplant outside in mid to late spring. If you are going to sow directly in to the garden you and I will need to do this in early spring. This herb is a clump-growing one and it needs to be spaced 12 inches. It needs to be water moderately.

Parsley does not required any special soil needs. It needs full sun and partial shade.

As far as harvesting goes, you and I can gather any of the aerial parts anytime during the growing season. Now if I am going to use the roots, I will need to dig the roots in the fall of the first year or the spring of the second year, and if you are going to do the same thing, you will have to do the same thing.

A garden fork or a needle nose spade.

The parts  that are used are the aerial parts and roots and  it can be used fresh or dried.


Parsley is a very good medicinal food and a strong antioxidant. This herb is beneficial  to the digestive tract and urinary tract.

Monday, November 4, 2013

What Is Nasturtuim?

Nasturtium  is  a very pretty annual flower. The flowers, leaves, and seeds of this herb are culinary delights.

Nasturtium is an annual and it grows from 12 to 15 inches high.

The flowers begin to bloom in late spring and it continues to bloom until a killing frost occurs. Blooms come  in shades of red, yellow, and orange, along with bi color combinations.

Nasturtiums likes lush, semi-shady places. They grow nicely in dappled shade such as under trees, in containers, in hanging baskets as patio plants. By having a trellis up rightly by where you have your nasturtium, it will climb the trellis.

Sow the seeds directly into  the garden or into its permanent container. This plant does not tolerate transplanting, even if you handle them real gentle. The seeds, sprout in about two weeks time with a germination rate of 80 to 90 percent. They need to be space about eight inches apart when  I  sow and I need to put two seeds in each spot. Nasturtiums likes to have moderate to heavy watering and if you go heavy on the fertilizer, they will have gorgeous green leaves but no flowers.

Nasturtiums likes partial shade. Nasturtiums likes all soil types that are reasonably well drained and have good amounts of organic matter. By using containers, I will need to use a mix of one part compost to three parts potting soil. Do not use fertilizer for the growing season. Nasturtium grows with parsley, vegetables, sunflowers, splinters, and strawberries.

Nasturtium's harvesting are hand pick younger leaves and flowers by hand or scissors. The seeds should be handpicked.


Nasturtium are a very pretty flower and it is also a very tasty herb. All parts of this herb can be used in your culinary delights such as fresh young leaves as a green salad ingredient to give the salad some spicy zing, also  on sandwiches. The seeds can be pickled and used as a nutty-zippy substitute for capers. The flowers from the nasturtium are edible.

What Is Prickly Pear?

Prickly pear is a herb. It is used by the people that live in New Mexico and the southwestern part of the U.S.A. Adult-onset diabetics is very common in these cultures so prickly pear is used in their diets because this herb helps to maintain good blood levels.

Prickly pear is a perennial and a cactus. It grows in zones 6 - 11, depending on what species you have on hand or I am using myself. The flowers bloom in pinks and yellower, according to which species that I have planted in my garden. They bloom from late spring into early summer.

Prickly pears are desert plants and they grow from high mountain desert regions and also in the lower desert climates. The prickly pears rely on spring rains to help them through the dry summer.

I will need to simulate the desert environment by stratifying prickly pear seeds for 1 to 2 weeks. Just before, I am going to sow the prickly pear seeds, I will need to soak the seeds for 15 minutes in 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Then sow immediately in a loose soil mix and keep the temperatures warm. As far as germination goes, the rates and time vary greatly from 10 to 70 percent, and 2 weeks to 3 or 4 months. Be patient and keep the seeds evenly moist. When the seedlings are one year old and well established, this is when I can transplant them outdoors. Water the seedlings very good and then wait for a few days before I will water them again. I make sure that I do not water to much. Some prickly pears will spread more aggressively than others. The plants need to be space 12 to 15 inches apart. I always water lightly when mature. Prickly pears prefers full sun and well-drained sandy soil.

When I am harvesting the pods, fruits, and flowers of the prickly pear I should always wear gloves while snipping it. I will need to singe the spines off the harvested plants by using a campfire flame or a butane lighter. After that I prepare the cactus for use.

Prickly pear is good for balancing blood sugar levels and some gastrointestinal complaints. Also it can be use as a skin herb. This is the  medicinal benefits.
 The prickly pear is a herb that is also a cactus. The parts used is aerial parts and use them fresh. It is a perennial.

All About A Herb Called Oats.

The  herb called oats has a moderate to high market potential.

Oats was cultivate to be used both for food and for medicine. Harvesting oatmeal at the milky, stage would provide the highest and best level of nutritional and medicinal benefits. Also oats can be used as a skin herb.

Oats is in the annual plant cycle. Oats is a herbaceous type of growth.. Oats will grow to the height of 4 to 5 feet

Oats will sports light green grain spicules that will turn to the color of golden when the oats get full maturity. Flowering will come one month after you plant the oats, also it depends on weather condition.

Oats like to grow in open, sunny areas. They have been cultivated in almost every temperate climate around the world.

The oats seeds has to be sow directly outdoors in mid to late spring. They do not  need any special  treatments. The oats will need to be spaced about eight inches apart because they will grow in clumps. The water needs to be water moderately.

Oats prefers a soil with good organic matter content  which 4 to 5 percent is ideal for them. Oats prefers full sun.

The oatmeal has to be in the milky stage, this is when it is time to harvest. The milky stage is when the green grains get very plump and they spurt out a milky juice when you squeezed it. Strip the grains off of the spike lets by pulling them through your fingertips. You will need something like a bucket or bag to catch them in as you go through your patch. If I am harvesting oat straw, I have to cut and dry the aerial parts which is the stems, grains, and leaves of the oat  plant when it is in the milky stage. If I want  to use some of my oats for cooking, I will need to allow the grains to come to full maturity and then harvest them.

Market potential is  moderate for oat straw and high for oat seed.

The medicinal benefits of oats are a whole body tonic for all ages. It is especially useful for the nervous system, bone, and skin health. Oats are also good  for the male and female reproductive health.

The parts of the oats that are used are milky-stage seeds, grains, and aerial parts and they can be used either fresh or dried.


Oats are a very good herb to grow because you can used it either for  food or medicine. The oatmeal at the milky stage is where I will find the highest level of nutritional and medicine benefits of the oats.

Friday, November 1, 2013

What Is Angelica?


Angelica  has stems as tall as eight feet and the leaves can grow two feet long so this would be a great herb to plant in the rear of your herb garden. It's life cycle is biennial and it grows good in zones 4 to 9. The flowers are great-rounded Queen-Anne's lace-like umbels that can grow up to ten inches in diameter and this has several small green honey-scented flowers. On the second or third year of growth, the plants will bloom in June or July. The plants will die back during winter. All of the plant's parts have a mild licorice flavor with a small spicy taste. The fragrance of the Angelica is faintly sweet.

How To Grow

Their seeds has to be fresh for them to germinate. The seeds have to be gather when they  are ripe in late summer or early fall and then they will need to sow them where  they are going to be grown, because Angelica is very difficult to transplant. Their seeds has to have light for them to be able to germinate and you will need to refrigerate purchased seed until planting. They like to have particle shade to grow in, but will grow in the shade and if you are planning on growing angelica in the sun, they will need to be mulched real well. The soil needs to be moderately moist, slight acid. Plant each herb two feet apart. You will need to watch out for these pests aphids, spider mites, earwigs, and leaf miners, and the disease is crown rot.


To harvested the angelica the leaves and stems need to be done in the morning after all of the dew has dried off of them, in spring and summer but before the herb has flower. You need to collect the seeds in late summer. After the first year of growth, you will need to dig the roots.

How To Harvest

You will need to cut the stems where the leaf attaches to the stem several inches above ground level. Then take all of the leaves from the cut stems. When the seed heads are nearly ripe, this is when they need to be put in a bag. Dig the roots up in dry weather only with a shovel or spade.

How To Dry Angelica

Seeds can be put in cakes and beverages and used chopped stems to  desserts. The leaves can be put in acidic fruits like rhubarb to give the rhubarb a sweeter taste.

What Is Aloe?

I have always known aloe to be a herb that is one you would want to have in your garden. I like to have this one on hand all the time. It is known as  medicine plant because the gel that you will find in the leaves is used externally only to treat many skin aliments. It also has decorative qualities that you can appreciate.


Aloe's life cycle is perennial. It grows two to three feet tall at maturity. Aloes are good for zone 9 and 10, but if you do not live in these hardiness zones, you will need to grow it inside as a houseplant, along with your other houseplants like I do. The flowers of the aloe will be yellow or orange one-inch-long tubular flowers that are borne in a terminal cluster on a three to four foot long stalk. Aloe's leaves are fleshy, sword-shaped leaves that has spiny edges that grow to form a rosette. Aloe is not used internally.


How To Grow

Aloes can be planted in zone 9 and 10 anytime in the garden. If you live north of zone9, you will need to  grow your aloe in a container and overwinter it indoors. Aloe likes full sun but they will tolerates partial shade. The soil needs to be well-drained neutral soil of average fertility. The aloe plants allow one to two feet between growing outdoors. Root  mealybugs is the pest that you will have to watch out of. Aloe is susceptible to root rot in a soil that is consistently moist.


Aloe can be harvest anytime during the growing season once they reach to a minimum of five to six inches long. To harvest aloe, all you have to do is, cut off the oldest leaves at the base.


I  always like to have an aloe in my home because of its skin-healing properties. You will need to split the leaf and rub the gel from the inside of the leaf over minor burns. The gel has compounds that are both anesthetic and antibacterial. If the burns is not  real serve, the gel prevents scar tissue from forming and helps the pigmentation to return back to normal.

Tips About Aloe

You will need to remove an offshoot, shake the plant out of the container and gently pull the young plantlet away from the mother plant. Use a trowel to separate the offshoots from the  plant. The offshoot will have some roots on it, so you can plant it in a container or if you live in a warm zone, you can planted it in  your garden. Aloe require not much attention as long as it is planted in a fast-draining soil and you will only need to water when the top of the soil dries out.

How To Grow Herbs Indoors?


I want to grow my own herbs indoors during the winter. I will have to have a lot of light. In most areas, sunlight  is not enough for your herb plants, other than keep your well-grown plants alive.

I am going to grow allot of different herbs.  I will buy a four foot long fixture of fluorescent tubes. Keep the tops of my plants five inches from the  tubes. Herb plants need to be put on individual  blocks or bricks, so they can be move closer or farther away from the light as necessary.


Planning Your Indoor Garden

I am going to grow herbs that are annuals, you can start your indoor garden by using  seeds. Some of the annual herbs  that you can start this way is dill, summer savory, basil, cilantro, and chervil by planting the seeds in mid-to-late August.

Plant about ten seeds around a ten to twelve inch pot. After they germinate, you will then need to thin to four or five plants. For the first few weeks you can leave them outside. To get them use to their winter quarters, you will need to move them  into shade one week before you move them indoors for good. Basil and other tender annuals need to be moved indoors long before frost hits where you live.

Annual plants that are grown indoors, even using artificial light, will not remain vigorous for as long as if they are grown in your outside garden. To have a constant supply of different herbs, you will need to do the planting every four to six weeks, from October through February.

Perennial herbs

Perennial herbs can be potted up well before frost and bring them indoors, and this is the way to have them  to snip during all winter.. Some of the perennial herbs are tarragon, thyme, mint, oregano, and winter savory  when you or I will divide them up in the spring. Leave the pots out all summer and through the early part of winter. All of these plants need the rest that you   or I  can give them a period of dormancy. In January, bring them into a slightly warmer area which could be a garage or basement for about a week. After this, I will need to bring them inside. Once the growth has started, this is when I will need to put them under lights.


Chives has to experience a winter rest. In the fall, plant them in pots about twelve inches deep. Leave them outside until January. Next, they need to be move inside into a heated area. Chives will not remain productive all winter, so I will need to make several pots to last me through out the winter.


This herb is demanding when you bring it inside. The best way to do this particular herb is to seed it  directly into a pot in late June. Each pot needs to be at least twelve inches deep by twelve inches wide. Keep all the pots outside all summer, remembering to give it ample water and monthly feedings with compost solutions. Put the pot into the shade that is filtered about a week before it  going to frost where you live at.

More herbs to Overwinter Indoors

Some herbs can not take wintertime in most regions of the United States. If you want to keep your herbs from year to year like I do, I bring them inside during the winter, and put them in a well-lit window or under a plant light. Each pot needs to be brought inside during the cold months. If they are planted in the ground, they will need to be dug  up and planted into pots. Each pot needs to be two inches wider than the root ball.

In most region, the following plants should be indoors during winter. These herbs are lemongrass,  lemon verbena, aloe, lavender, french scented geraniums, pineapple sage, lemon thyme, rosemary [hardly from zone 8 south]. These herbs will be happy to be growing on any body's windowsill.

What Is Chives?

Chives can be grown in the garden or on the windowsill so you can always have a fresh supply available.

Chives grows 12 inches tall in height and it is a perennial, which will be able to grow in zones 4 though 9.


The bloom traits of chives are big pink flowers from mid-spring on and off throughout summer and early fall.

Chives likes to grow in open, sunny areas, but they also like to grow in the garden.

Chives are very easy to grow from seed and it requires no special treatment. In early spring, you can sow them directly into your garden soil or you can start them indoors for transplanting them in your garden later in the spring or early summer. Germination is about 80 percent and sprouting occurs in about 2 weeks. They can also  be propagated by root divisions either in early spring or fall. These plants grows in clumps, so you will need to space them 12 inches apart and water moderately.

Chives likes full sun to full shade. Chives is adaptable to different soil types, but prefers a well-drained locations.

Chives are wonderful in food garden or a counter top herbs. Chives grows with summer savory, hearts ease, and red ship.

When chives are ready to harvested do not pull up all of the chives plants because this will kill them. You need to only cut the aerial parts of the plants. You can picked the flowers using scissors or snips.

The green leafy parts are good to add to some of your vegetables, pasta salads, or egg dishes.They are better fresh.

Chives is a good herb to grow for yourself, especially if you are like me and I really like to cook with all different types of herbs.

What Is Rosemary?

Rosemary is a herb that is one of the best antioxidant. It is also good for enhancing circulation. This herb helps increase the oxygen supply to the brain and this helps in sharpening concentration and memory.

Rosemary is a tender perennial herbaceous which grows in the zones of 8 to 11. This herb can grow up to 12 to 36 inches, it can also grow a lot taller..

This herb can not go below 38 degree F. Rosemary blooms, blue flowers really well when you have cooler nighttime temperatures to set the flower beds.

Rosemary prefers hot temperatures and dry soil conditions. Rosemary also enjoys  having extra humidity. Rosemary is from the Mediterranean region.


When you are ready to prop age rosemary, you will need to propagate rosemary from tip cuttings. You will need to use a liquid rooting hormone to get better root formation. There are two things that rosemary has to have to be able to  grow and they are good air circulation and extra warmth. Rosemary's clippings need to be kept moist, but make sure it is not soggy until  the rooting structure gets strong. Rosemary likes full sun all the time. If you want to grow rosemary, you will need to keep the soil well-drained. With rosemary growing in clumps, the plants should be spaced 12 to 15 inches apart. Keep the rosemary water lightly to moderately.

These are some plants that  rosemary grows real good with in community  and they are California poppy, lavender, sonatina, and hyssop.

You can harvest rosemary anytime during the growing season. The part of the plant that you harvest is the aerial parts either fresh or dried.

You can sell fresh at farmer's markets and to chefs for medicinal food.

Rosemary is beneficial for the immune system and also for winter illnesses. Allot of the digestive tract, the respiratory system, circulatory system, brain health, and the skin.

Rosemary has allot of different ways that it can help people from one of the best sources of antioxidants along with many different ways.

What Is Chamomile ?

Chamimile is a herb. The German chamomile is an annual. The Roman chamomile  is a perennial. Chamomile grows in - 9. The German chamomile grows up to 24" high. The Roman chamomile grows from 8 to 10 inches tall.

Chamomiles blooms white, daisylike flowers. This herb blooms from June through frost.

Both kinds of chamomile are considered garden dwellers. They like to have full sun and partial shade. Both kinds of chamomile grows best in well-drained soil.

German chamomile is easy to grow from seed. It can be direct-sown in a garden or field. I have to keep the tiny seeds moist so it can germinate and this is very difficult, so a easier way would be starting your plants inside and then transplant them. After all the frost danger  has passed where you live, they still need to have 3 to 4 weeks before transplanting your plants. outdoors. When you are transplanting your  plants you will need to space them 10 inches apart. The seeds germinate in about two weeks at the rate of 50 70 percent. German chamomile grows as one plant and you will need to water them light to moderate. I can grow Roman chamomile from seeds and it is easy. Their germination rate is  lower than the German chamomile. Roman chamomile germination rate is 40 to 60 percent. Instead propagate by divisions. The Roman chamomile is propagate by divisions. Roman chamomile is spread by  rhizomats roots. The Roman  chamomile plants has to be spaced eight inches apart, so they will have enough room to fill in as a ground cover. Roman chamomile needs a light to moderate amounts of water.


When both kinds of the chamomile are in the blooming season, this is when you need to do the harvesting. The parts of the chamomile  that are used in harvesting are the flowers and the flowering tops. They can be used fresh or dried. If you are only going to used flowers, you need to harvest them by hand or with the help of a  chamomile rake. A chamomile rake is a special tool that is designed to harvest the chamomile.

Chamomile has many medicinal benefits. It is a good sedative and nerve herb. Chamomile has soothing, calming, and anti- inflammatory actions which will help many people It is a skin aid, children's herb, digestive herb and a sleep aid

Chamomile is used a lot in the herb industry. It is used in many different way, so this makes this herb a popular herb to have around.

What Is Plantain?

Plantain is a herb that has many different benefits  in growing  it yourself or having it where you can get it when you need it.

Plantain has a plant cycle of a perennial and a type of growth which is herbaceous. This herb can grow in the zones 3-9.

Plantain can be found in many different climates and it is always found in disturbed soil. It is not unusually to find plantain growing alongside a mountain hiking trail. You can also find plantain growing intermixed with the grass at a local park or maybe out in your pasture especially if you  live out in the country like I do.

Plantain has a bloom traits which are tiny white flowers that grace a stalk that will later forms tan seeds.

Plantains grows from eight to twenty inches in height.

It is easy to grow plantains from seeds and if you stratify the seeds before you plant them, this will increase your germination rate to about seventy percent. Sprouting takes one to two weeks. You can start indoors in mid-spring and have them ready to transplant out in late spring, or start directly outdoors in  early to mid-spring. Because of plantain, growing in clumps they should be spaced twelve inches apart and it should be water moderately. This herb does not require any special soil needs. Plantain has to have full sun and partial shade to grow.

When you are harvesting plantain, you will harvest the whole plant and you can do this with a garden fork or a needle-nose spade. Plantain is harvest in spring though fall. The day that  your plantain is going to be harvests, the  soil needs to be moist, but not soggy. If you only want to use the roots only, then trim off the aerial parts with a pair of snips. Leaves may be handpicked  or snipped at any point during the growing season. You can harvest the seeds by waiting into maturity and then rub them from the stalks and husks. The parts that you can use are whole plant, roots, seeds, and leaves. You can used them either fresh or dried.

Plantain has many different medicinal benefits and they are skin problem, gastrointestinal conditions, the urinary tract, and children's health. It is also good for stopping  minor bleeding and for relieving insect bites and stings.

Plantain is good to have with you if you happen to have  a problem that require some first aid. If you have a problem all you need to do is to lay a leaf directly over the effected place or skin place and secure it with first-aid tap. The leaf will soothe the irritation and promote healing of the affected tissue.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What Is Cayenne?

Cayenne, potatoes, bell peppers, and eggplant are all members of the Solonaceae family. Never eat the leaves, flowers, or stems of the cayenne pepper plant. Do not eat any of these parts of the cayenne plant because they can be toxic. The fruits are perfectly safe. There are a need that everybody has to be very careful about how much anybody used because these peppers are very hot.

The  cayenne pepper is aan annual herbaceous and it grows up to 24 inches.

Cayenne are probably native to South America. They are all cultivated plant at this time, but you still have some growing in the wild. Cayennes prefer to grow in hot and dry areas, so you can have long seasons and bright sunny days.

Cayenne needs to be started in late winter or early spring, indoors in a bright, sunny, warm, location. With cayenne seeds, they do not have to have any special treatment. The seedlings does like very warm temperatures to grow well. The germination is real good and it only takes one week. When everybody do all the right growing condition there will be 80 90 percent germination. After all danger of frost, this is when the plants can be transplant outdoors. I leave 12 inches between each of my cayenne plants. These plants require very little watering and they grow in clumps.

Cayenne plants like full sun to grow. They also prefers dryish soil.

There are two other herbs which are cilantro and basil that if I grow my cayenne close by this will enhance each of these herb's flavor.

To harvest the cayenne you will need to pick the bright red fruits which are called chilies in late summer, or even in early fall. before the first frost comes.

Cayenne is one that many chefs uses this in their dishes as a flavoring. Cayenne is found at farmer's market.

There are many medicinal benefits of using cayenne. They are used for heart, circulatory health, as well as for pain relief especially of the muscules and joints.


Cayenne is a very good herb to have because it has many benifitical uses.